Soundiron – Sonespheres 1 Distance

(5 customer reviews)

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  • Full Version
  • Library Size 1.1GB
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Sonespheres 1 draws from a wide array of acoustic instrument and vocal recordings, and is thoughtfully sound-designed into atmospheric synths, pads and tones. It includes a full array of essential user controls to unlock virtually limitless creative potential.

Sonespheres is a series of uniquely sound-designed atmospheric synths, textural pads, evolving soundscapes, nuanced drones and tonal ambiences, built for Native Instruments Kontakt. Each volume explores the creative vision of American composer and sound artist Blake Ewing, delving into deeper aesthetics, stylized niches and specialty production concepts.

Film and television composer and long-time Soundiron collaborator Blake Ewing opens the series with Sonespheres Vol. 1 – “Distance”. He brings to his craft a brilliant ear for nuanced layering, rich detail, fluid textures and powerful emotional weight. Each of the sounds in this library have been created by hand and carefully guided with a very clear artistic vision. Sonespheres 1 Distance includes a deep selection of new and inspiring content that were sculpted from a wide array of acoustic instrument and vocal recordings, with a full array of essential user controls to unlock virtually limitless creative potential.

Icon FullKontakt 5.5 Icon OS OSX 10.9 Icon OS Windows Icon Format WAV 2448


Blake Ewing [website] [music] [credits]

“In my mind, with few exceptions, music supports and invokes a certain storytelling. Hearing certain timbres and frequencies together triggers something in most of humanity. A place. A time. A memory. An emotion. A sense of urgency or hope. A needed comfort. A broken heart. Real or concocted, the effect is universal. This belief and these experiences affect me not only as a person, but inspire me as an artist.

To that end, I’m proud to have helped create a set of tools that will hopefully act as a starting canvas for your own productions. My hope is that you as musicians will use these sounds as the hazy, ethereal, ambiguous base, on which to bring into sharp focus your own artistic visions – Be it in support or your stories, or those of the others with whom you work. In Distance, I’ve tried to be thorough without being repetitive – to offer sounds that might work in a range of production styles and musical sensibilities. From longing solo instruments and heartbreaking pads to tense bowed textures and forward-leaning rhythms, I truly hope there’s something here for everyone.”


  • Bowed – 2 Categories with 20 Presets
  • Guitar – 5 Categories with 57 Presets
  • Piano – 2 Categories with 21 Presets
  • Rhythmic – 3 Categories with 35 Presets
  • Textural – 3 Categories with 35 Presets
  • Tonal – 4 Categories with 44 Presets
  • Vocal – 5 Categories with 59 Presets
  • Wind – 3 Categories with 34 Presets

Our intuitive user interface gives you flexible control features for two independent sample source modules, with category and preset selection menus for each. Both modules provide automatable controls for volume, attack, start offset, release, bass, treble, pitch, pan, filter type, filter resonance, filter frequency, LFO shape, LFO rate, LFO tempo-sync, LFO target parameter, LFO depth and LFO attack time. The LFO can be routed to Volume, Bass, Treble, Pitch, Pan, Resonance and Frequency. There’s also a cross-fader, legato glide system, and a step-sequencable arpeggiator system, as well as our full FX rack system that allows you to select from 18 creative effect plugins, including convolution reverb with over 100 of our favorite custom reverb impulse responses covering everything from bunkers and undulating sci-fi effects to piano strings and concert halls.

Effects options include Amplifier, Cabinet Simulator, Chorus, Compressor, Delay, Distortion, EQ, Filters, Flanger, Jump Amp, Lo-Fi, Phaser, Convolution Reverb with 100+ custom impulses, Rotator, Skreamer, Stereo, Tape, Saturation, Transient Master and LFO with routing to Volume, Bass, Treble, Pitch, Pan, Resonance and Frequency.

Kontakt Format

Kontakt IconThis library is designed for the full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5 or later. Kontakt is an industry-standard advanced virtual instrument software platform. You can view screenshots of this library’s custom graphical user interface in the image gallery above. This library is packed with features to provide you a wide range of sound shaping parameter controls, each one totally automation-ready in your host environment or Kontakt’s stand-alone mode. Learn more about Kontakt by Clicking Here.

This is a standard Kontakt open-format library, so the free Kontakt Player does not fully support it and can only run it in a limited “demo mode”. However, the sample directories are unlocked so you can use them in other wav-compatible software, sampler and synth formats. The special Libraries tab doesn’t support this open-format Kontakt library, but you can use the standard File browser tab and import this library into the Kontakt Quickload window for easy loading and navigation.


Product Specs

  • Product Version 1.0
  • 305 Samples
  • 26 .nki instrument presets
  • 24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
  • Unlocked wav samples can be directly imported into almost any wav-compatible plugin or DAW

System Requirements

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.5.2 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library. The free Kontakt “Player” and “Add Library” import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows 7 or higher. Mac OSX 10.9 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.

This software is delivered as a digital download, so a broadband connection is required. All sales are final. Please see our Help Page for download and installation instructions, tutorials and the End User Licensing Agreement before ordering.


Sonespheres 1 – Truth Demo Video with Blake Ewing

Sonespheres 1 Preset Examples

Sonespeheres 1 – Blake Ewing – Still – composer’s walk-through

Kontakt Quickload browser tutorial by Nathan Boler

5 reviews for Soundiron – Sonespheres 1 Distance

Based on 5 reviews
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1-5 of 5 reviews
  1. I love the atmospheric sounds in this library, perfect for adding depth to my compositions. Highly recommend for anyone looking to enhance their music production.

  2. This sample library really brought my compositions to life with its diverse range of atmospheric sounds and textures, definitely worth the investment.

  3. I was blown away by the atmospheric sounds and beautiful textures – definitely worth the investment!

  4. The sounds in this collection are top-notch and truly unique, adding a whole new dimension to my music production. Would highly recommend to any producer looking to expand their sound library!

  5. I was blown away by the atmospheric sounds and textures in this sound pack. Definitely a valuable addition to my music production toolkit.

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