Included In Bundle
- ABLM2 (Loudness matchinq)
- AMM2 (Auto mixer)
- CS-5501V2 (Channel strip)
- DSEQ3 (Dynamic egualizer)
- DynaRide2 (Gain rider)
- dEQ6V4 (Dynamic egualizer)
- dpMeterXT3 (Multi Channel Meter)
- Euphonia3 (Spectrum matchinq)
- FinalLoud3 (Loudness matchinq)
- GainRider3 (Gain ridinq)
- qEQ12V4 (Egualizer)
- Impress2 (Wideband Stereo Compressor)
- LAxLimit4 (Wideband Limiter)
- SLM2V2 (Wideband limiter)
- ST1V2 (Stereo imaqinq control)
- TBPAMove (Rhythmic filter)
TBProAudoi develops audoi pluqins which help music producers to do heir job guicker and better. We are usinq the latest alqorithms and standards to enable our customers to deliver the best guality.
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